Advantages and disadvantages of being a 5 star cabin crew

Being a flight attendant offers many advantages over other careers, including that it is always interesting.However, the job is not without distinct drawbacks. In a sense, it’s a matter of high risk/high reward, in that for all of the exciting perks that the career has, there are also concessions that you’ll need to account for that other, more traditional professions don’t have, but if you are someone who is keen to travel to different places of the world while earning a “reasonable” income( somewhere around 3000$) flight attendant career is one of most suitable job in fulfilling your dream of going to various places. For international sector, they usually fly up to a minimum of 90 hours.

While away from the base, the airlines provide  5 star hotel accommodations and meal allowance during stopover.Other benefits include getting discounted fares to travel to the destination of your choice for yourself and your immediate family members and some airlines will even provide annually tickets for your friends.(dammm my friends are lucky aren’t they?)

One of the disadvantages of this career is that you will have to work during the holiday seasons as I did.(2 years with no Christmas and New Years Eve) but at least my family were all happy with the presents they’ve got. Still working in weekends is one more disadvantage as these are the times when the passengers travel will be at its peak. On top of that dealing with difficult passengers are at times stressful and you need to learn how to be patient and calm in this situation so imagine at the destination one pair of Charles & Keith shoes is waiting for you in the moll across the street.:)

The irregular sleep and eating patterns may cause medical problem to some in the long run.  That’s a big problem that you need to be always very cautious about. What about breathing of recycled air and having to stay in pressurized environment are also some of the stress to the body that one has to deal with. All these can be overcome by following the tips of keeping ones body healthy through exercise, proper diet and rest and have a medical check once in a while and always carry with you a small medial kit..:)

One  other disadvantage of being a flight attendant is that you’re in somewhat of a bubble in the airplane; you can’t exactly go outside to get a breath of fresh air to clear your head. For this reason, a flight attendant needs strong people skills and patience, as the worst-case scenario would be having to make an unscheduled landing thanks to a surly passenger or your inability to handle the situation.

But here is a  great news: even the most high-profile traditional careers—such as office jobs—leave you vulnerable to boredom. One of the advantages of being a flight attendant is the fact that the scenery is always changing. Your office is 35,000 feet above the ground, and you often get to visit new locales. Even if you fall into a routine of working the same flights, you still get to visit different cities, as opposed to trying to find a new way to the office to keep it exciting.

Most who are intrigued about the prospect of becoming a flight attendant understand that the hours go beyond a standard 8to 3 However, it takes years of service to obtain any semblance of regularity, in terms of both schedule and reliable income, which can affect your ability to budget. It’s not a matter of one airline offering better options than another; it’s all about seniority. No matter where you choose to work, you will have to pay your dues at the start by working a lot of hours and receiving sparse paychecks.

But at the end of the day , no matter what,  the airplane will still be your best friend and is still  you overthere having a glass of  good  wine and thinking: “I actually had a ball wearing that little uniform and making sure everything was under control”



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